主演:娜奥米·巴特里克 马克思·比斯雷 Claire·Cox 帕齐·费伦 杰森·弗莱明 伯恩·戈曼 迪恩·里侬斯·凯利 Marshall·Dancing·Elk·Lucas 斯图尔特·马丁 Abiola·Ogunbiyi 托尼·皮茨 Kalani·Queypo Luke·Roskell 苏菲·兰朵 Abubakar·Salim
Jamestown”s first baby is born to Alice and Silas, delivered by slave Maria, who longs to escape and find her own children. Samuel is found dead, rendering Jocelyn and Mercy homeless until Verity takes them in. Yeardley is impressed by an intelligent slave Pedro but the brutal Massinger refuses to 详情