刚刚乔迁新居的年轻夫妇在阁楼上发现一具腐烂已久的女尸。遇害人失踪两年却无人报警,即将退休的侦探Len Harper决心解开这桩谜案。 A young couple move into an apartment only to find the body of a girl that had been missing for 2 years but never registered as missing which leads to a deeper investigation into what actually happened刚刚乔迁新居的年轻夫妇在阁楼上发现一具腐烂已久的女尸。遇害人失踪两年却无人报警,即将退休的侦探Len Harper决心解开这桩谜案。 A young couple move into an apartment only to find the body of a girl that had been missing for 2 years but never registered as missing which leads to a deeper investigation into what actually happened详情