导演:Seth·Green Matthew·Senreich
主演:Seth·Green Dan·Milano Breckin·Meyer
Robot Chicken是04年开始在美国卡通有线电视网中播放的玩偶动画。故事由一只与本片同名的Robot Chicken开篇,这只不幸的小鸡遭遇了严重的车祸,后被一个疯狂的科学家Fritz Huhnmorder(”Huhnmörder” 是德语”杀鸡的人”的意思”)组装成半鸡半机器的怪物。之后疯子科学家像发条橙(Clockwork Orange)里的情节一样给Robot Chicken用电视节目洗脑。不过本剧主要以Robot Chicken看到的电视节目为中心,恶搞热门的时事新闻 电视 电影和明星。如果各位穷极无聊,想找点乐子的话,千万不要错过Robot Chicken。
Robot Chicken是04年开始在美国卡通有线电视网中播放的玩偶动画。故事由一只与本片同名的Robot Chicken开篇,这只不幸的小鸡遭遇了严重的车祸,后被一个疯狂的科学家Fritz Huhnmorder(”Huhnmörder” 是德语”杀鸡的人”的意思”)组装成半鸡半机器的怪物。之后疯子科学家像发条橙(Clockwork Orange)里的情节一样给Robot Chicken用电视节目洗脑。不过本剧主要以Robot Chicken看到的电视节目为中心,恶搞热门的时事新闻 电视 电影和明星。如果各位穷极无聊,想找点乐子的话,千万不要错过Robot Chicken。Robot Chicken is an American stop motion animated television series created by Stoopid Monkey and Sony Pictures Digital, currently airing as a part of Cartoon Network”s Adult Swim lineup. It premiered on Sunday, February 20, 2005. Seth Green and Matthew Senreich are the creators and executive producers of the show.Using Jackass-ish acts of stupidity and random acts of violence and senselessness, Robot Chicken is a variety show that parodies a number of pop culture conventions using stop motion animation of toys, action figures, dolls, and claymation. The show”s name was inspired by a dish on the menu at a Chinese restaurant where Green and Senreich had dined.